Family of four, passionate about pursuing the call of Christ, musically-inclined, filled with love for all people from all backgrounds.. that is who we are as a family.
- Jason has the gift of leading others and asking thought-provoking questions; he is an artist/musician and an incredible song-writer; he finds rest in swinging a machete around in the forest, reading books, and going to the mountains; he loves to make his family smile by doing thoughtful acts and leading them according to God's standards; and he disciples his children with intentionality.
- Kayla has a gift of hospitality and making people feel seen and known; she loves learning people's stories and growing in wisdom as a result; she has been Teacher on the homeschool path for 12 years; she finds rest and energy in cuddling with furry puppies, going for walks on beautiful days, organizing, and playing board games; she sings- and is most comfortable doing BGV's; she finds joy in those moments when she can give to and help others in need; and she loves connecting people.
- Beige is 16, and is an exceptional pianist; he spends his spare time recording on Logic- making sick beats, as well as riding his pro-scooter- learning new tricks; he doesn't shy away from feats of courage and bravery; he likes collecting name-brand shoes (that he saves up for); he is a loyal friend; he excels in his studies; and he is kind-hearted and generous.
- Avia is 14, and playing violin comes naturally for her; she also can pick out any tune on the piano (she especially likes to play while looking at us instead of at the keys); she spends her free time drawing impressive pictures, crafting, writing her book, and reading very fast; she hangs with her brother in doing brave things outdoors; she is learning the skill of knitting and baking bread; she has a giving heart that is full of kindness and the willingness to help others; she loves to decorate for parties, is thoughtful in sending people cards to brighten their day, and would rather spend all of her money on other people rather than herself.
We look forward to sharing our adventures of life with you! Our goal is to bring encouragement to your life, and also challenge you to be intentional in the chapters of your own story. There is beauty written into every page; sometimes we just have to search a little deeper for it.
**We never want to use this website as a political outlet or a platform for social agendas. We also aren't trying to show off the things we do in a prideful way. We hope you find that we are just a family, trying to do the will of our Lord, and encouraging others to do the same. It IS possible for all of us, no matter what stage of life we're in. We expect we will offend people along the way, as the gospel can be offensive to those who aren't walking closely with Jesus. We don't mind talking with you about these things, and welcome those conversations!